Zhou Renjian
2004-01-31 23:12
To learn about java
- waNote - 2004-01-15 23:27
Root of wHizz Notes Welcome to Zhou Renjian's iDeas wHizz Blog! This blog is designed for the author to record all the things he think he should record. So this blog may not focus on some niched field ...
- Nightmare: Java Applet and JavaScript - 2006-10-18 00:21
I met the same thing about 2 years ago. And many of my JavaScript calls?were restricted according to the sanbox of Java Applet, so calls needed to be asynchronized. But my JavaScript calls should be?s ...
- 关于内部类 - 2006-07-07 15:43
挺有意思的是,我非常支持这些语法! 首先Eclipse JDT提供的"content assist"能够非常快速的完成上述代码; 其次Eclipse JDT提供的Java编辑器也能够非常有效地实现阅读其中的代码结构(包括内部类对外部类的属性以及方法的引用关系); 还有编译出来的Java字节码不会因为内部类而有性能上的损失; 如果不用这些内部类,你需要花更多的时间处理传递对象和属性值; 要不尝试一 ...
- JavaEE 5技术特性 - 2005-08-16 09:38
美国当地时间8月8日,Java企业版(Java EE,即以前的J2EE)第5版总体技术规范(JSR-244,通过了JCP执行委员会的公开审查投票。 JSR-244规定了Java EE 5总体框架下需要具备的技术特性,其中的各项技术又分别由其他JSR所规定。从提交公开审查的规范草案Java EE 5的来看,Java EE 5的 ...
- URI's UTF8 to GB* - 2005-08-08 15:22
import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * ...
- Read Environment Variable in Windows - 2005-04-25 16:50
??? /** ???? * ???? */ ??? private static String getSystemFontsPath() { ??????? if (systemFontsPath == null) { ??????????? String os = System.getProperty(""); //$NON-NLS-1$ ?? ???????? if (os ! ...
- Java Applet 的载入时间 - 2004-12-27 16:45
从Java Applet载入到Applet.start()需要一段时间, 而就是Applet.start()已经完成, 从浏览器访问Applet中的函数, 还会需要一段时间. 譬如说在Linux下的FireFox, 通过JavaScript访问Applet内部函数的话, 必须登上一段时间, 譬如在J2SDK1.4.2_02中需要大概850ms, 在J2SDK1.4.2_06中需要大概650ms. ...
- Extract Method need-to-know - 2004-12-09 16:26
public class TestRefactor { ??? public static void main(String[] args) { ??????? int i = 0; ??????? int j = 234; ??????? i++; ??????? j++; ??????? int k = 23 + i; ??????? System.out.println(k); ?????? ...
- About JavaMail javax.activation.UnsupportedDataTypeException - 2004-11-22 23:27
Error message such as: javax.activation.UnsupportedDataTypeException: no object DCH for MIME type text/plain ... And the above error only occurs when I send my email through Servlet. For example: === ...
- Calculate the column of a table - 2004-11-01 12:52
/* ?* Created on May 30, 2004 ?*/ package com.idsignet.desktop.formdesigner.model.ui.table; /** ?* The class is used to recaculate the column width of a table. ?* The percent of each columns will rema ...
- Calculate the polygon point list of a star - 2004-11-01 12:46
package com.idsignet.desktop.formdesigner.figure; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.PointList; /** ?* @author Janyckee Joz ?*/ public class StarUtils { ?? ?/ ...
- Scrol lInto View Utils - 2004-11-01 12:43
/* ?* Created on Jun 5, 2004 ?*/ package com.idsignet.desktop.formdesigner.figure; import org.eclipse.draw2d.FigureCanvas; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Point; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry. ...
- Relative and Absolute Position - 2004-11-01 12:41
public class ModelUtils { ??? public static Rectangle calculateBounds(Object model) { ??????? Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0); ??????? if (model instanceof AbstractElementProxy) { ??????? ...
- Java 中通过代理服务器访问外网 - 2004-10-29 20:54
?Java 中通过代理服务器访问外网的方法已经是世人皆知的秘密了。这里就不再多描述了,访问的Java代码如下: //设置代理服务器 System.getProperties().put("proxySet", "true"); System.getProperties().put("proxyHost", ""); System.getProperties().put( ...
- Fucking encoding! - 2004-10-27 17:29
UTF-8, ISO8859-1, GB2312, GBK, ...Fucking encoding! And Linux 2-bytes, Windows 3-bytes, ... Faint! ...
- Use getInitPara… - 2004-09-01 19:34
Use getInitParameter to get the root of server public class InitCounter extends HttpServlet{ ? ? int count; ? ? public void init() throws ServletException ? { ?String initial=getInitParameter("initia ...
- 关掉那可恶的Dos窗口 - 2004-08-15 17:56
发信人: (公爵), 信区: Java 标? 题: 关掉那可恶的Dos窗口 发信站: 白山黑水 (Fri Aug 13 09:51:45 2004) 转信站: SJTU!!!!NEU 用过Java的人都知道,每次运行Java程序都要打开一个可恶的Dos窗口, ...
- 就现在而言 - 2004-04-02 22:41
就现在而言,我应该好好反省一下跨平台的Java的对我来说是怎么样一种概念。 很明显我现在这个waNote就暂时无法在Linux下运行!这样就使得我暂时无法在我工作的地方使用该软件! ...
- GEF - 2004-03-30 21:29
Graphical Editor Framework I will use a lot of GEF in the future. ...
- 研究如何提高Java性能 - 2004-03-18 10:38
包括从如何调试开始,毕竟调试的技巧能够使得编程有更多的乐趣而更少的烦恼 另外如何一步一步地比较不同的方法在不同的情况下的性能也是很关键的。 我感觉我应该开始重新理论学习了,毕竟要提高性能还得从理论入手。 ...
- Resin - 2004-03-18 00:25
Java 2 EE webapp server Resin ...
- Java General - 2004-03-18 00:24
About the general of Java ...
- when using Lucene'… - 2004-03-14 23:19
when using Lucene's file search, some binary files have higher hit scores, so the binary files list before the needed source files. ...
- Lucene确实很好… - 2004-03-14 23:00
Lucene确实很好用的东西,而且速度还是相当的快,可以把自己以前想弄的所谓文档管理器的功能给差剥夺实现了。我正好好好地把它研究一下,用在我的全文搜索中。好东西不能不用啊! ...
- 以前做的java servl… - 2004-03-11 20:42
以前做的java servlet程序在 Z:\WEB-INF\classes\mine ...
- 截取相同长度的字… - 2004-03-11 18:06
截取相同长度的字符串的功能代码为(SWT): ????public?static?String?getEqualsWidthString(String?inStr)?{ ????????return?getEqualsWidthString(inStr,?8,?Display.getCurrent()); ????} ???? ????public?static?String?getEqualsW ...
- JAVA DEVELOPER'S… - 2004-03-10 11:36
JAVA DEVELOPER'S JOURNAL READERS' CHOICE AWARDS 2003 Best Java Book Winner: Thinking in Java, Prentice Hall PTR ( First Runner-up: Java Development with Ant, Manning Publications (www.m ...
- 对于Java的implem… - 2004-02-29 18:44
对于Java的implements机制,完全可以通过anonymous的class的方式来饮用,而不需要再重新写一个class,通常情况下我都没有重复利用这些implements的class。譬如说,TreeViewer中的TreeContentProvider我就没法好好地复用。 ...
- 对于eclipse的proje… - 2004-02-27 16:40
对于eclipse的project,如果要复制另外一个project中包含的jar文件,只需要在eclipse中打开.classpath,把对应的*.jar路径复制过来就可以了。 ...
- JUnit - 2004-02-22 14:38
JUnit for the test-driven development ...
- Eclipse Configuration: - 2004-02-22 14:20
Eclipse Configuration: Add <Ctrl> + D to "Run the last lauched" as I always press <Ctrl> + S to "Save" before running the last lauched. Edit the "Code generation"'s auto generated comments of?Types an ...
- Eclipse中的filter对… - 2004-02-19 12:50
Eclipse中的filter对文件后缀名的过滤用的“,”,譬如: *.bmp, *.gif ...
- Eclipse "Help Conte… - 2004-02-16 20:11
Eclipse "Help Content" serve as a web-server, and it has almost all I want! I love the Eclipse! ...
- a fly-over pop up box. - 2004-02-15 22:04
a fly-over pop up box. ...
- Re: 急求:JBuilder… - 2004-02-15 20:29
?Re: 急求:JBuilder9 注册码及密码 不胜感激 【 在 xeon (98CS~懒猫~我思故我不在) 的大作中提到: 】 : : 把上面的jar下载以后。 : 不要启动jbuilder. : 用java -jar keymaker.jar执行。 : 生成注册码后,点击add, ...
- JDO - 2004-02-14 03:31
JDO, especially for Kodo JDO 3.0.2 ...
- SWT - 2004-02-14 03:30
Eclipse: JFace/SWT ...
- 在eclipse中应该通… - 2004-02-05 15:39
在eclipse中应该通过配置workbench的keys,增加<ctrl>+<tab>来进行editor间切换 ...
- Snippets isolate pro… - 2004-02-04 18:24
Snippets isolate problems. Code speaks louder than words. ...
- Note of ANT - 2004-02-03 20:52
Note of ANT <target name="..." depends="...">... <mkdir dir="..."/> <java failonerror="yes" fork="yes" classname="*.*.*"> <arg value=".."/> </java> <javac destdir="..." srcdir="..."> <classpath refid= ...
- When using the Ecli… - 2004-02-03 16:28
When using the Eclipse Workbench, remember that I should create a "New" workbench. ...
- JSP和MySQL中对… - 2004-02-02 19:46
JSP和MySQL中对中文的支持的代码 JSP:<%@page contentType="text/html;charset=GB2312" %> MySQL:jdbc:mysql://localhost/note?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=GBK ...