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Restore IE into 800 width window

Author Zhou Renjian Create@ 2005-07-30 13:54
whizz Note icon

The most common web pages are designed to 800 width, but there are also a lot of web page will change your IE window into different size. After you closed those sized windows, IE may always open new window in that size and may cause inconvenience of view well 800-width designed webpage. In order to solve this problem, I wrote the following codes. Just copy the following code and save it as a *.html file, for example window800.html, and use IE to browse the *.html and then add it the the Favorite. Each time you want to restore your IE window to 800-width, visit the Favorite's window800.html, you will get it right.

<title>Restore IE to 800-width window</title>
Copyright of Zhou Renjian 2004
<body style="overflow:hidden;border:none;">
<script type="text/javascript">
    document.write(document.body.clientWidth + ":" + document.body.clientHeight + "/" + window.screen.availWidth);
    width = 808;
    //width = 800;
    //height = 740;
    //window.resizeTo(808, 740);
    window.resizeBy(width - document.body.clientWidth, 0);
    window.moveTo((window.screen.availWidth - width) / 2, 0);
