About whizzNote 2.0: Designation, spirit, implementation,...
wHizz iDeas - 2004-08-14 08:06 OK. wHizz iDeas finally came up: http://www.whizzideas.com (expired, now it's http://bl.ognize.com). It is not only a web site, but a studio, a software studio. It will includes the following products ...
Architecture of RDF-based wHizz Notes - 2004-12-05 21:53 The essential of the RDF-based wHizz Notes is to use RDF models. Maybe I should have my own file-based RDF database, my own RDF query implementation, my own RDF web services, my own RDF Stylesheet La ...
wHizz Notes Web Services Design - 2004-11-06 14:36 1. ZNote {JDOID, Label, Type,? CreateTime, LastModified}; // No user ZExtCatalog { Description }; ZExtSimpleText { Text }; ZExtTitleText { Text }; ZExtCultureWord { URI, Text, Remark }; 2. getNoteByI ...
Crucial Points of Notes - 2004-08-17 09:08 All types of notes are mainly concerned with the UI implementation. That is, different notes will have different representation. ...
Types - 2004-08-17 07:08 Types that is to be implemented. ...
The major things which should be recorded - 2004-08-12 21:15 All connections. All steps. All the history message. All the visit information. (Only for some meaning notes). All notes should?be expandable. ...
Goal of whizzNote - 2004-08-11 22:40 By the end of this year(2004), I should input about 10,000 items into whizzDatabase. And it should have 50% of notes having sense. And I should publish about 2,000 items through the whizzSite. ...